“This class was much more soul revealing than I ever imagined it would be. Liba guided us through the inner depths of our creativity, which allowed me to achieve shocking insights.”

Liba Zweigbaum Herman

Lead Facilitator / Founder

Liba Zweigbaum Herman brings genuine heart, passion and individuality to her connection with people and creativity. With a background in Experiential, Art & Environmental Education, Liba has long been drawn to the power of creative exploration. She first discovered Intuitive Painting while living in Oregon almost 20 years ago and was deeply captivated by its dynamic and restorative qualities. She later began studying with The Center For Creative Exploration and The Painting Experience in San Francisco, CA; thus leading her passion to open Studio INSIDE OUT on Minnetonka Boulevard in St. Louis Park. 

Liba is also immersed in Mussar study (Ancient Jewish Mindfullness Practice) and Environmental Advocacy, and is recent participant in the Cultivating a Wise Heart: Mussar Facilitator Training and Mentorship Cohort with Julie Dean and the Hennepin County Master Recycler & Composter program. Liba has worked locally with North Memorial Hospital’s MN Cares Conference, MN Department of Health, Courageous HeARTS, Free Arts MN, Minnetonka Center for the Arts, Old Arizona Youth Programs, St. Louis Park Community Education, Sunny Hollow Montessori, Hineni: Center of Jewish Contemplative Studies, Beth El Synagogue, Rimon: MN Jewish Arts Council and the Twin Cities Jewish Artists Lab through the MN JCC. 


Why do  I include my pronouns.

“Jane is an expert facilitator of all things SoulCollage. Her insights, knowledge, warm personality, and willingness to continue to foster her own personal growth have inspired me to create cards and work with them on a regular basis. This work deeply influences how I see the world, my SoulCollage® reflections, and helps me in the ongoing quest for increased self-awareness. I am so thankful for SoulCollage®. And for Jane!'' 


Jane Pellizzer

Soul Collage Facilitator

Jane is a seeker and listener who has spent much of her adult life learning to listen to the holy in herself and others. With a background in elementary education, she spent years creating community in the classroom before taking a leave to stay home with her young children. During this pause a deep desire for stillness and reflection was born. She spent the next 25 years volunteering in her community, reading across spiritual traditions, exploring her relationship with the holy, and becoming a certified spiritual director.  

Jane participated in a SoulCollage® workshop in 2015 and this soon became a joyful new tool for personal expression and awareness. By choosing images, creating a simple 5x8 collaged card, and then allowing the cards to speak she discovered a simple yet profound practice that moved her from thinking to listening with the heart.

Becoming a SoulCollage® facilitator in 2016 allowed the sharing of this beautiful practice with others as she landed at the happy intersection of teaching/facilitating and doing deep soul work.

Jane offers Introduction to SoulCollage® classes, workshops and gatherings for those building their personal SoulCollage® decks, and in the fall of 2022, she will be adding ongoing/monthly card making + card reading groups. More information may be found at her website: holystickyground.com

Dalia Davis

Creative Movement Facilitator

Dalia Davis has been dancing since childhood. She double majored in Dance and Jewish History at Barnard College, where she learned the art of and fell in love with Modern Dance and choreography.  While living in New York, she co-created and served as artistic director for a women’s performing arts troupe, where she created dance pieces that explored Jewish themes and texts.  

Dalia also has an MA in Jewish Education and an extensive background studying Jewish text.  Her desire to bring together her passion for dance and Jewish learning led her to create Beit Midrash in Motion, a fully embodied approach to Jewish learning. She has explored this methodology in summer camps, schools, and synagogues, leading workshops and creating performance pieces. 

Dalia enjoys working with dancers of all ages, offering students an opportunity to explore different forms of movement and expression.  She loves witnessing students as they create, explore, and find new meaning in their lives through the art of dance.  DancingwithDalia@gmail.com

“Cantor Audrey Abram’s unique gifts go beyond her beautiful voice. She has a special spirit she brings to everything she does…” Her spirit draws people in, opens their hearts, and touches them deeply.”

-Minneapolis. Colleague

Cantor Audrey Abrams

Cantor Abrams grew up at Temple Beth El in Rochester, New York, has a B.M. in Music Therapy from Michigan State University and an M.A. in Music Education and Therapy from the University of Minnesota. Since 1990 she has served Beth El Synagogue in Minneapolis in a variety of capacities: High Holiday Hazzan Sheini, prior to her ordination; Program Director; Associate Cantor beginning in 2001 after receiving her cantorial certification from Hebrew Union College; and Senior Cantor from 2007-2021 at which point she retired and became Cantor Emerita. In total, she has led High Holiday services at Beth El Synagogue for 32 years! 

Cantor Abrams is very involved in the programming from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, having completed their 1st cantorial training cohort 20 years ago, and is an alum of Kol Zimra Chanting Cohort with Rabbi Shefa Gold. 

She believes strongly in contemplative practices elevating ones’ connections to prayer and their spiritual self. She has been a Mussar/Tikkun Middot facilitator for seven years and uses chanting, art, meditation in her work in the community. 

In her spare time, Cantor Abrams enjoys walks around the Minneapolis lakes, making art and taking art classes, movies, traveling and the TWINS! Cantor Abrams has two adult daughters, Rachel and Sal, and lives with her husband, David, and their very old cat, Neco.

“Roxanne Sadovsky helped me save my life. Her class has inspired my resurgence from the underworld, as well as to live my life in a more confident and responsible way.  I would even daresay that her teaching helped me find some patches of happiness with staying power. Writing my memoir with all the secrets and then sharing that in a trustful classroom has brought me trust in myself in a new way.”

—Intuitive Writing Student

Roxanne Sadovsky, MA, MFA

Roxanne Sadovsky, MA, MFA, is a Twin Cities freelance writer, teacher, and therapist. At 19, she fled her hometown in LA to study writing and psychology at the Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington (1993). She later earned her master's in counseling psychology from Antioch University Seattle (1999) and an MFA in creative nonfiction from the University of Minnesota (2004). She has taught and published widely, both locally and nationally. She has extensive training in treating trauma through several creative modalities, including psychodrama, sociometry, memoir and poetry therapy, mindfulness, and Bhakti-Yoga, with over 20 years of experience working with groups and individuals.

Roxanne offers ongoing trainings, support groups, and workshops for mental health professionals, emphasizing the role of creativity as an inherent source and expression of unconditional love in healing trauma and depression. Additionally, she offers healing workshops and presentations throughout the Twin Cities and frequently teaches Intuitive Writing, Writing as Healing, and The Healing Memoir at the Loft Literary Center. Students and clients enjoy Roxanne’s sense of humor, commitment to community healing, and gentle guidance through integrative workshops, healing groups, biannual Wild Woman Writing Retreats, and more, all in a safe, supportive, and playful community. Through the creative process, individuals connect to their inner truth,  life force, and unconditional love of all beings to discover what's needed to live a more fully alive, loving, present, meaningful, and spontaneous life. 

Roxanne also enjoys making her family laugh, tap dancing, making up languages, Bhakti yoga, impersonations, long conversations IRL, cleaning, most things, and is relieved that you can now compost paper towel. She lives and works in St Louis Park where she writes almost every day of her life with others and is infinitely grateful to call this her life.     writingwithrox.blogspot.com

“Wendy approaches her workshops with a unique blend of patience, knowledge, and a sense of humor, making learning a joy. Whether you're a beginner or someone with prior experience, Wendy adapts her teaching to suit your level, ensuring everyone feels comfortable and included. If you're looking to explore your creative side, look no further.”

Wendy Shragg

Wendy Shragg, a contemporary mixed-media artist, passionately explores the interplay of color and form in her work. Her diverse career experiences have shaped her artistic evolution, fueling a life steeped in creativity.

She believes art connects hearts and adds immeasurable value to life's tapestry. Wendy trusts that age should never inhibit the spirit of play, learning, and exploration, allowing curiosity and delight to guide her through life's adventures. She dreams, creates, and aspires to inspire others with her artistry and passion.

You can learn more about her on her website www.wendyshragg.com.

Deb Schein

In 2013, at the age of 63, and after an entire career as an early childhood educator, Deb Schein received a PhD in the philosophy of education with a focus on spiritual development. She was drawn to this topic when a young student came to her holding a small worm. The child was extremely excited and instead of using this opportunity to support the child’s innate wonder, Deb froze. From then on, Deb has been pursuing ways to talk about and support spiritual flourishing in all humans. She has conducted research, written books, offered workshops, taught educators, created the Rock Garden at Bass Lake, and is currently one of the editors for Soul to Soul (a journal practitioners and researchers interested in all aspect of children’s spirituality). She is also one of the founders of the Loose Parts Laboratory which is supported by the Reggio Emilia Inspired Network of MN.