Class Pricing & Donations



  1. Class Fee + How much you want to contribute to someone else’s experience

  2. Regular Class Fee

  3. 25% Reduced Fee

  4. Pay What You Can (Please contact the studio directly to discuss options)

studio INSIDE OUT values:

  • Affordability and accessibility

  • Collaboration and inclusivity

We intentionally keep our prices as affordable as possible. Though we are not initially starting out as a non-profit 501c3, we are committed to offering a safe, welcoming and exploratory creative space, that is accessible to ALL PEOPLE. 

It is our hope that you find your time at studio INSIDE OUT valuable and that we build a community TOGETHER that supports our mission of accessibility. 

  • We seek to impact across differences in culture and life experience

  • We believe that art is a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation

If you are able, we invite you to contribute to someone else experiences when you enroll for your classes.

If financial difficulties are impeding your opportunity to join us here at the studio, using the honor system, you may utilize the 75% reduced fee or additionally, please contact Liba Zweigbaum Herman, Founder of studio INSIDE OUT, to discuss additional Pay What You Can options.

St. Louis Park Friends of the Arts offers Arts for Life Scholarships where there is funding available for art class enrollment and other arts activities that develop creativity.